To the membership of the FCPWA:
By now you have probably received your annual meeting invitation letter from me, the billing for $650.00 annual dues and the proxy vote. Unfortunately, the letter was written in late February before we knew about the COVID-19 pandemic that would alter our daily lives. In the letter, I invited you to the annual meeting on July 4th at Wayne and Diane Barron's house as usual. As I write this today on April 5th, I can't tell you if we will even have an annual meeting due to the global pandemic. We will be following the recommendations of our President, the Center for Disease Control and the COVID-19 Task Force. We will communicate further as we get closer to the date of the meeting about a "go / no go" intention for the meeting on July 4th. One thing I can tell you with assurance is that we believe your water system is now, and will continue to be safe and in an adequate supply from the FCPWA.
In the meantime, we recommend you send in your proxies and your payment(s) to the address on the bottom of page 2 of the letter. That address is as follows:
17465 County Road 501
Bayfield, CO 81122
I recommend that everyone should send in their signed proxy at this point as a safety measure in case we don't hold the annual meeting. If we all do this it will assure us as a system that we will at least have a quorum and can conduct business as per the bylaws of the Freeman Creek Pipeline Water Association. Even if we don't gather together for the meeting. Again, please send in your signed proxy along with your payment even if you plan to attend the meeting.
Thank you for your attention to this, and I pray all of you and your families are safe and will continue to be safe from this threat.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about our system.
Thank you and God bless you.
Steve Walb, President - Freeman Creek Pipeline Water Association 602-489-4969